Saturday 1 January 2011

A New Year - New Beginning

Dear All,

I wish you all  a Happy New Year! A wonderful exciting year 2011 will be, may all your dreams come true.
Be Blessed.

I found this inspirational article for the New Year and I hope you enjoy it!  

A New Beginning
Any time is a good time to make a new beginning. At any point in your experience, you can make a change, find a new direction, take a new path. You do not need to wait for the beginning of a new year to begin to follow a new way of life.

However, it is sometimes easier to make a new beginning at this time of year, when the old year is drawing to a close, when the new year stretches invitingly before you. There is a spirit of newness in human hearts at this time. You cannot help but feel inspired and enthused by it; you cannot help being caught up in it.

Possibly you have an area in your life that you would like to change or improve. To someone else, your life may seem perfect and complete, but you know the places in your life and heart that call for light and upliftment. The beginning of a new year provides a time and a season for newness, for the changes, inner and outer, that you have dreamed of making but have not yet dared to set into motion.

Do you want improved health and greater strength? This is the time to gain a new understanding of the idea of life. This is the time to realize that God is your life, that your body is the temple of the living God, that God's healing power is active in you, that through this power you are made alive, restored, renewed and healed.

Do you want peace and harmony in your life? Have you longed to be on better terms with your family and friends, to feel closer to others, to be understanding of others, to be understood by them? This is the time to enter into newness, to open your mind and heart to the love of God and to let this love find expression through you in the thoughts you think, in the way you act, in your attitude toward people and situations.

You need not carry into the new year the old habits of thinking and acting that have left you frustrated or unhappy. You need not carry into the new year the old doubts and fears and misgivings, the old hurt and bitterness. You need not bring forward any feeling of unforgiveness. Through the power of God's love within you, you can let go of negative ways of thinking and begin to live in peace and harmony.

This is the time for newness. This is the time to let go of the old, to put on the new. This is the time to let the life and love and light of God flow through you and to shine in all that you do. Old thoughts and old conditions are as “waters that have passed away” (Job 11:16). Now you stand at a place of beginning again.

Article source: Author unknown

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