Thursday 17 March 2011

Pray for Others

I am unified in Spirit with God and with all humanity.

It is impossible to pray for one person without praying for all persons. We are all one in God. Every time one heart is lifted, all hearts are lifted. Every time one life is blessed, all lives are blessed. Entering into the presence of God in the silence, I realize this truth about myself and those I hold in prayer. At the same time, I am reinforcing this truth for all humanity.

As I pray for the protection of a loved one, all persons in danger are enfolded in love and faith. As I affirm the love of God in my heart and rid my mind of all that is unloving, the heart of the world is more loving too. When I feel in tune with life, at peace with myself and the world, I help every confused or restless soul find peace and faith again.

And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.--John 12:32
Be Blessed
Article by Daily Word -

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