Saturday 27 November 2010

Dance with your Spirit

Dance with your spirit, celebrate the love you have for yourself. Feel the inner peace that gently moves over your inner being.

The loving presence that connects with your soul, sends you the loving  vibrations of being in the moment of happiness.

Dance with your spirit, accept the joys of  love and blessings the universe has to offer.

Be Blessed. 

Friday 26 November 2010

Being Thankful Everyday

Being thankful is a blessing which we should acknowledge each day. God provides for us daily without question. He shows us unconditional love at all times, even in our darkest moments.

I am thankful, for being able to see his beauty every day, and opening my heart to his love. Also, to be able to tell my loved ones how much I love them. I am grateful they are a part of my life. Today, I am appreciative of all of my blessings that I have received, and will continue to receive from our loving father.

Be Blessed.

Sunday 14 November 2010

Life's Journey

As I walk across this land I look towards the heavens; I ask for understanding of my life's journey. I pray to God to enlighten me, as I continue on this journey.

I am told to open my heart, and listen from within, I know I am not alone. I have a light that shines brightly within, which guides me each and every step of the way.

 My vision becomes clear in the stillness of the night, I see the beauty and love that surrounds me. I know now to follow my dream, and  be at peace with myself. Also, be kind, loving and compassionate, to my brothers and sisters whom I may meet along the way.

Be Blessed

Thursday 11 November 2010

The Angel of Rose

As the roses bloom in the light of day, they spread their beautiful fragrance. This gift from God opens the hearts of those with a loving presence. The Angel of Rose gathers her petals and gently delivers them to us. The Angel of Rose smiles with delight bringing peace, harmony and love to all.

Be Blessed.

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Angel Card of the Day - Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel means "God Almighty" and he is a messenger from God. His trumpet symbolizes the good news he brings to mankind. He is associated with Moon and sometimes known to carry lilies.

Archangel Gabriel is responsible for choosing the souls to be earth bound. When a child is conceived, he helps the little one get prepared for it's life journey on earth. He brings great joy and love into our lives. Most importantly, Archangel Gabriel wants us to love one another unconditionally and accept the goodness of God's blessings.

Archangel Gabriel can grant our wishes when we call upon him. He has the ability show us the divine mysteries, reveal the truth and grant  us justice when we ask. Archangel Gabriel can protect us against bad weather and even assist us with our travel plans where ever we may need to go.

So when you need to call on Archangel Gabriel just say the following:

Dear Archangel Gabriel,
I ask for your guidance and assistance. Please me help with (state your needs). I give thanks for your loving presence being in my life. Amen

Be Blessed

Sunday 7 November 2010

A Very Special Meal

Once there was a very poor and devoted woman who always prayed to the Glory of God, asking very little, if anything for herself. But one thought, one desire continued to recur and finally she asked: petitioning the Lord, that if it were possible she would love to prepare a special meal and have God share at her table. And God, in His Love for this goodly woman, said He would indeed come the next day and share a meal.

Filled with ecstasy, the woman went out the following morning with her meager purse and purchased such delicacies that she felt would please the Lord.

Returning home, she prepared a banquet and waited patiently for her most honored guest. Soon there was a knock on the door, and when she opened it, there stood an old beggar asking for something to eat. Being a woman of God, she could not turn the beggar away, so she invited him in to partake of her table. The beggar felt as if he was in a dream - such a feast set before him. He finished all the food, thanked his hostess and left.

The woman was only slightly disheartened, she gathered up her purse, her coat, and hurried back to town to get more food for her special guest. Her funds were less now and so the food was not quite so elaborate. Nonetheless, she lovingly prepared another meal and sat to await the arrival of the Almighty.

A few hours went by and there was a loud knock on the door. This time it was an old gypsy woman with no teeth, who was deaf, who spoke quite loudly and was, rather rudely, insisting that any true believer in the Lord would not deny her something to eat.

Though the woman had no more money with which to buy more supplies, she invited the woman in and offered her a seat at the table. The gypsy ate everything, did not even thank the woman and left without closing the door.

By now it was beginning to get dark both inside and out. The woman's faith was strong, so that, though somewhat distraught, she did not give up, but rather, looked around her humble house to see if there was anything she could sell in order to buy more food to set before the Lord.

She hurried to town with a little silver cup that had been in her family for several generations, but she was willing to part with it for the great honor that God was going to bestow on her - the sharing of a meal.

Late in the night she rushed home to prepare yet a third meal. She waited and waited until, once more, there was a knock on the door. Holding her breath, she slowly opened the door to find yet another poor man in the guise of a wandering monk, in search of a meal.

Again, she offered hospitality, with as much grace as she could muster in her disappointment. This man also ate all that was set on the table and left after blessing the woman for her kindness. So discouraged and dismayed was she that all she could do was nod slightly, in acknowledgment of the thanks.

Now it was too late, with no way to buy any more food and no more money with which to buy it. She got down on her knees, weeping such heart-broken tears. She asked God what she had done wrong. Why had God not come to share at the table as He had promised?

And God, in all His Divine Compassion and Mercy, lifted the woman off her knees, and holding her close to His Heart, said, "My child, I enjoyed your hospitality so much that I came three times!"

This beautiful story was written by Mirabai Chrin.

Be Blessed.

Saturday 6 November 2010

Path to the Light

"Every step of the journey must be taken: there are no short cuts. You, my brethen, have been given the blessing of the knowledge that you do not journey alone. Hand in hand with angels, or with the true companion of your soul, you walk the path from the unconsciousness or darkness of human life, into the glory and light of the divine." - White Eagle

Friday 5 November 2010


"For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it. For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it. For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it."   Quote by Ivan Panin

Thursday 4 November 2010


 "Hope is the thing with feathers, that perches in the soul, and  sings the tune  without words, and never stops at all." 

Quote by Emily Dickerson

Wednesday 3 November 2010

You Are Never Alone

You are never alone, no matter what your circumstances are in this life. There is aways a loving presence around you.

There is no need to be afraid, not even when your path becomes rocky. Even in the darkest moments there is a loving presence watching over you, protecting and guiding you.

Be Blessed 

Walking with God

Sometimes we get out of step with God, because we want to make the decisions, and lead the way ourselves. This usually happens, when we are so busy with our own agenda, that we don't have time for God anymore, and we forget to trust Him.

If we remember on our journey to :

Trust God, He will guide us throughout our journey in life. Lean on Him, through the challenging times, and know that he will conquer them.
Depend on Him each and everyday, because He will, deliver us to our destination safely.

Be Blessed