Wednesday 4 August 2010

Letting Go

Life sends us alot of challenges and at times we just can't seem to get a break. We try hard to understand the circumstances or try to figure out  "why me!?". 

Many times I am so confused,  the harder I try the worst the challenges seems to get. If we step back from the challenge(s) and let go for a moment, we can see the bigger picture. You can accept the help that is being offered to you by God, angels and spiritual beings.  We must remember, that letting go means, God is in charge and has already found the solution.

Be Blessed.


Louise Silver said...

This is lovely. I am challenged right now so the words were perfect for me. Soothing is the word. Namaste.

Ava K said...

Thank you so much Louise. I shall add you to my prayers. Keep the faith, and be Blessed.