Saturday 9 July 2011

Archangel Micheal Card of the Day

You Created This Situation, And You Have The Power To Change It  
From Archangel Micheal by Doreen Virtue

 My Prayer: Thank you for letting me lean on your strength and for reminding me of my personal power. Please guide me to manifest and heal according to Divine will creating peace and blessings.

If you want a situation to change in your life, you need to believe and have faith of a postive outcome.

Whatever is going on in our lives that is not making us happy, we have the power to change the outcome. We can pray, meditate or simply ask the universe for a happier outcome, and visualize what we want.

We can receive the blessings with an open heart. Forgive ourselves and one another. Heal the pain and discord of the situation, by sending loving thoughts to those that are involved.

Be Blessed.

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