Friday, 6 May 2011

Archangel Chamuel - "He who seeks God"

Archangel Chamuel is of pure loving energy that lights up the heart with love. When you call upon his loving energy, you are embraced with a loving pink light that glows. Call on Chamuel when you need to heal your heart, or help you to forgive, from any kind of pain that you have experienced in any relationship. He will  open your heart  to receive more love in your life and blessings than you can ever imagine. Be Blessed

Dear Archangel Chamuel, I ask that you heal my heart  from pain and suffering. Help me to forgive myself and others. Send your loving light around me to protect and keep me safe. I ask that you  open my heart to give and receive love once again. Show me the loving energy and compassion I so desire for my highest good. Amen

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