Wednesday 10 November 2010

Angel Card of the Day - Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel means "God Almighty" and he is a messenger from God. His trumpet symbolizes the good news he brings to mankind. He is associated with Moon and sometimes known to carry lilies.

Archangel Gabriel is responsible for choosing the souls to be earth bound. When a child is conceived, he helps the little one get prepared for it's life journey on earth. He brings great joy and love into our lives. Most importantly, Archangel Gabriel wants us to love one another unconditionally and accept the goodness of God's blessings.

Archangel Gabriel can grant our wishes when we call upon him. He has the ability show us the divine mysteries, reveal the truth and grant  us justice when we ask. Archangel Gabriel can protect us against bad weather and even assist us with our travel plans where ever we may need to go.

So when you need to call on Archangel Gabriel just say the following:

Dear Archangel Gabriel,
I ask for your guidance and assistance. Please me help with (state your needs). I give thanks for your loving presence being in my life. Amen

Be Blessed

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